Friday, December 5, 2008

Divorce & Child Custody Tactics For Women

Divorce and Child Custody Tactics for Women.

Dear Moms of America,

Are you tired of your marriage? Does it make you angry that your husband doesn't spend enough time with you? Have you "grown apart"? Then it's time for a divorce!

We all know the routine. You want out, right? Your friends and family have all said they would support you. They have given you the emotional courage you need to finally leave your hubby. But you've got a problem, don't you? You guys have had children together and that obnoxious bum husband of yours isn't going to give up his kids easily. If you share custody with him after divorce, you are going to have to keep interacting with your ex on a regular basis. What good is divorce if you can't get rid of the guy? Besides, equal custody means you won't get as much child support from him. Problems, problems. Well, don't worry! I have got some answers for you.

Hi, I'm Robert E. Britton, III, Esquire - Attorney at Law. I'd like to tell you a few simple strategies that will guarantee a grand and glorious victory in divorce court!

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