Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Michigan House Leadership Stalls Protection of Parental Rights

Michigan House Leadership Stalls Protection of Parental Rights. First they raise your taxes and now they want to raise your children. House Speaker was quoted as saying that your children are wards of the state. Parent's disagree and believe their children should be raised and cared for by parents not the state.

The link takes you to several guest speakers, including several legislators, family rights organizations, and more.

Lansing, Michigan. Several Michigan State Legislators voiced their positions and willingness to "press the button now" to allow voters the chance to approve a landmark parental rights amendment to the Michigan State Constitution. "Michigan Legislators and Family Rights Organizations from West Virginia, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan were present and in support of House Joint Resolution NN, which is the first of its kind nationwide," according to Lary Holland, Executive Director of Write to Parent, Inc.

Where does Obama and McCain stand on Parental Rights? McCain calls it a tar baby and Obama just wants to blame black fathers.

What we have in Michigan is a Democratic leadership that has literally violated Article IV Section 16 of our Constitution that aims to prevent these type of tactics by the house "rules" that cover the passage of our bills. If you have no right to parent, then you really have no other rights at all.

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